Thursday, 15 August 2013

Roger and Hal 2. Characters

Roger loves his older brother Hal a lot, and even though
a small fight might pop up every so often.
They are great teammates and together they make incredible teamwork!
He has traveled all around the world to country's and islands.
He has discovered many things and even conquered world records by
being slowly lowered in a diving bell into the mouth of an active volcano!
Roger is incredibly strong he can lift 100kg rocks above his head and it is
quite a bit for an eleven year old boy!But Roger can handle more than that!
Roger has dived 300 feet down into an underwater city and wrestled with
a tiger shark, and even escaped from a pack of cannibals! Roger will never stop looking for tasty adventures!

This was really fun to do.
Everyone in my class took a book from home and had to write an explanation of a character, or in my case characters!
I wrote about the to main ones and my favourite to.
Roger and Hal, I think I did quite well seeing we only had about half an hour to do it, next time I reckon I could maybe add a bit more exitement into it to make it more interesting.


Levi R20 said...

This was really fun to do.
Everyone in my class took a book from home and had to write an explanation of a character, or in my case characters!
I wrote about the to main ones and my favourite to.
Roger and Hal, I think I did quite well seeing we only had about half an hour to do it, next time I reckon I could maybe add a bit more exitement into it to make it more interesting.

Anonymous said...

that is really desriptive and sounds really cool